Chaska photographer coming at you with this super sweet 8-year-old session! I’ve been photographing L since she was 6 months (I think), and have had a session with her every year since! Such an honor for me! Usually she holds my hand as we walk around and talk about life, but this time, there was no hand holding (broke my heart)… But we are staying safe during our sessions, and keeping a distance because of COVID.

I moved my studio from Chaska to Minneapolis, but I’ll always think of myself as a “Chaska Photographer!” This beautiful park is minutes from my old studio, and I love how I’m always finding new spots there! This was my second session with L there, but we didn’t repeat any of the spots from our last one!
Check out more sessions on the blog here!

Oh how I missed seeing that sweet face! Can’t wait for next year! Hopefully she’ll still hold my hand then… It’s so fun to see her growing into such an amazing young lady! I don’t want to forget that her favorite color is now blue, and that she prefers movies to cartoons. She also loves vanilla ice cream, with lots of toppings!
If you’re looking for outfits for your next family session, I love styles from JCrew, Ralph Lauren, and Gap!
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