I’m dying over this golden light senior session!!! I recently found this gorgeous park (Thank you Courtney and Chris for finding it for me!), and now I can’t get enough of it! That water fountain gives me such European vibes :-)!

Aliza is the 4th person in this family to have her senior photos done by me, which is truly an honor! Her sister Amber did a fabulous job on her hair and makeup. I’m so glad to came to the session because it gave us a chance to catch up on life!

Aliza’s outfits were all picked out by her brother’s girlfriend, and she totally nailed it! I love soft colors and pastels. They photograph so beautifully with my light and airy photography style! And seniors, hats are ALWAYS a good idea…

I’m not gonna lie, it was 100 degrees during our session, and I’m not even kidding! Thank goodness for a light breeze! My tip if you ever decide to go forward with a session on a hot a humid day, is to bring dry shampoo! You’ll probably need to touch up your roots! Of course Aliza also had that covered!

Another tip is to get your makeup done for photos. It doesn’t have to be anything too dramatic, but a little makeup goes a long ways for photos! I’m sure everyone wishes they had a sister with Amber’s makeup skills, am I right???

Wishing you ALL THE BEST IN THE WORLD, Aliza!

If you’re looking to have your own golden light senior session contact me soon, as my calendar is almost booked for the year!
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