Friday was my BIRTHDAY!!! I decided to take the whole day, and weekend off, to just celebrate and (over) indulge! My birthday is my favorite day of the year! The second is Christmas!
I woke up Friday around 10 am, and my husband and I went out to breakfast, which is probably my favorite meal of the day. Then we got pedicures (his first time!), then we went to get my birthday gift (which I’m not sharing just yet), then DQ blizzards, then we checked in at the St. Paul Hotel. We did a 5 min photo shoot by the hotel, then went for appetizers, then dinner at W.A Frost. Then Strawberry Nutella crepes for breakfast the next day, followed by macarons at Cossettas! Definitely a “Poly” kind of weekend!

And a few things about me…
– I Never work on my birthday. I love celebrating my birthday, and usually make it last the entire month.
– I’m Enneagram 3 wing 4. I love taking personality tests and finding more about why I’m wired the way that I am.
– I finally have a drink at Starbucks: Strawberry açaí refresher (because I absolutely HATE coffee).
– My husband is a whole 13 months younger than I am.
– My top 2 love languages are quality time, and gifts.
Do you know your Enneagram #??? I would love to know it!
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