It’s very cold out today, so I thought I’d share this beautiful Arboretum Engagement Session from a MUCH warmer day! These two lovebirds came all the way from Seattle for their engagement session! The Arboretum has been one of my favorite places to shoot at because of the variety of backgrounds, and how we can just walk around and stop when the light is perfect. I have a yearly permit to shoot there, which means all my clients get in for free as well! Nice little perk!

Talking to Kelsey and Blake was absolutely effortless! I had been following them on Instagram since they booked me for their wedding so I knew we’d have lots to talk about! They love throwing a good party, and entertaining; they love a good meal, and cocktails; they love to travel… And Kelsey is one of my motivators for working out!

I can’t even with these two… And Blake, please share your secret on how to style your hair to look this good!!!

I believe one of my superpowers as a photographer is making people feel comfortable during photos. I talk a lot, ask questions, and really try to make it feel like we’re just hanging out getting to know each other. And then I sneak in 1000 images to make sure I get the most perfect moments!
One more reason to have an Arboretum Engagement Session is that the light there is so amazing at Sunset!

I’m shooting a wedding tomorrow so stay tuned for some wintery goodness coming up! Lastly, I’m about halfway booked for 2023, so if you’re looking for a fabulous photographer, or know someone who is, get in touch soon! XO.
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