Why I love St Anthony Main Engagement Photos
We decided to do St Anthony Main engagement photos because that’s where these two love birds live! This is also one of my favorite areas because it has so many spots to choose from, AND, you can go out for drinks right after! One thing St. Anthony does not lack is good restaurants! I always tell my clients they should have a date night after engagement photos! You’ll be all dressed up and feeling fabulous, so might as well end the night with a cocktail!

I LOVED my time with Leah and Derek! I choose my couples as much as they choose me, and I once again hit the jack pot! They were absolutely the cutest, and we never ran out of topics to talk about! We talked about travels (and our love for Italy), good food and restaurants, fashion (I mean, look at these outfits!!!), and even little things like lashes haha!

Derek nailed it with wearing a suit jacket to dress up his outfit. Now, does that always work? No. Knowing how to wear a suit jacket with jeans is essential to pulling off this look. So I will give you a few tips to get it right. The first tip, and perhaps the most important, is to ask yourself this question: “Does it fit well?” If no, go no further. You should not wear it ever! Here’s what to look for:

How to Make Sure your Suit Fits (2 button suit)
Tips from the fabulous Ben Boskovich!
Make sure the shoulder ends…with your shoulders. This is the first step for a reason. If the jacket you’re trying on is too big or small in the shoulders, put it back and find the one that does. Tailoring is a beautiful thing, but in terms of shoulders, it ain’t worth the squeeze (and is near-impossible).
Your flat hand should slip easily into your suit under the lapels when the top button is fastened. If you put a fist in, the suit should pull at the button. Depending on your personal style, you can take a few liberties with this, but don’t go too far beyond this guideline in either direction unless you’re very sure of yourself (in which case, great!).
The top button of a two-button suit should not fall below your navel. And remember, in terms of buttoning, from top to bottom: Always, Never.

With your arms at your sides, your knuckles should be even with the bottom of your jacket. Again, there are always exceptions to the rules as trends come and go, but as a jumping-off point, it’s never a bad idea to make sure your jacket covers your ass (no, literally).
Jacket sleeves should fall where the base of your thumb meets your wrist. If you’re a watch-wearer, a tailor can take up the sleeve of your shirts and jackets a little more as to more adequately show off the goods, but generally speaking, this guideline sets you up nicely for achieving the next step.
When your sleeve length is all sorted correctly, between a quarter and a half inch of shirt cuff should be visible.

Back to my lovely couple… They are getting married at one of my absolutely favorite venues EVER: The Hutton House! It will be a stunning winter wedding, and I cannot wait! And if you want to book your own St Anthony Engagement Photos head over to my website or email me at Poly@polymendesphotography.com!
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