Engagement and wedding season is in full swing and I’m loving it! These Como Park Engagement Photos are totally speaking my love language! Ragan’s favorite color is blue. She had thought of both her and Josh wearing blue, but after reading my style guide she changed it so they were coordinating, but not matching, and boom! She nailed it! Her blue ring had my eyes sparking too!

I love this location, but the reason we chose it was that it’s just a few minutes from their house. Choosing a familiar spot for engagement photos helps make the session feel more natural to the couple.

Ragan had 4 cats when she met Josh. Even though he’s allergic he decided it was worth it and now lives on love and a daily dose of allergy meds! Love stories are all about finding balance, aren’t they?

And just wanted to say there’s absolutely no reason to do a casual outfit, and a dressy outfit for engagement photos. If you want to be dressy for both I highly encourage it :-). I mean, look at this stunning dress…. I love that it has movement, and that brings in a little texture to their outfits, since Josh was in solids.

Como Park engagement photos are for sure some of my favorites because this location has such diversity! I feel like every time I come back I find different spots I like, and different backgrounds for my clients! And as I fair warning, if you wear a gorgeous dress like Ragan’s I will make you twirl!

Can’t wait for their wedding next year!!!

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