I can’t believe the photos I got from this Downtown Minneapolis intimate wedding! Jeroen and Emily chose THE peak day for the May blossoms! It felt like we were walking in a dream spot, and I couldn’t be happier I get to add these to my portfolio. I have three favorite times of year: Christmas season, the one-two weeks where the flowers blossom in May, and my birthday! So being able to capture this beautiful wedding during one of my favorite seasons was just a joy for me!

Jeroen and Emily live in the Netherlands, and had their wedding there a few weeks before they flew to Minnesota for this intimate wedding reception with friends and family. During photos they mentioned how they loved the way I made them feel comfortable during their photos! I love that it’s so visible in their faces how happy they were!

Emily is the sister of one of my favorite clients, Aaron (who’s married to Justine, whom I love to pieces)! It was so fun to see the whole family again. Last time I saw them was when A+J got married a few years back, at the Minneapolis Event Centers.

I’m so glad these two decided to come to Minnesota to celebrate their wedding with friends and family, and so honored they asked me to be a part of it! This Downtown Minneapolis intimate wedding will definitely go down in the books as one of my all time favorites! I mean, just look at these two!

They finished the night with wine, delicious food, and cake… Yes, it was perfect!

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