Time flies when you’re having fun… This sweet girl is nine and I can’t wrap my mind around it! We went back to the spot I took her photos for the very first time, when she was only 6 months old! The beautiful MN Landscape Arboretum! Nine years later and she’s grown to be such a loving, kind soul! For years now she runs and hugs me every time we see each other for photos. This year was no different :-)! Although, I’m pretty sure last year we had to make an exception due to COVID. I’m pretty excited we were able to go back to hugs this year!

We spend our session time talking about all the things… and I chase after her as she runs, twirls, laughs, and melts my heart. The Arboretum is such a great location for sessions, and worth the permit to shoot there. I love that we went there right when all the blossoms were in full bloom.

Time flies when you’re having fun… Can’t wait to see you next year, sweet girl! She’ll probably be taller than I am by then!

I’m catching up on blogging, so come back soon to see many more sessions!
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