Are you ready for Baby Strand – 3rd Trimester Recap? I think the hardest part about being pregnant for me is the unknown. I love having a solid plan based on my own experiences, and since pregnancy is different for everyone, and I’ve never experienced it, it’s been a challenge for sure. For the last 9.5 months I’ve been upset there’s no way to do a trial run of pregnancy and delivery!
The planner in me has spent countless hours trying to figure out all the things I can plan and prepare for, like what to pack in my hospital bag, best options for car seats and strollers, what’s a good class on breastfeeding, and what about pre natal classes? I took two… At the end of the day I wanted to know I was as prepared as I could be, without actually going through a trial run. Yesterday hubby and I actually drove to the hospital to make sure we knew exactly where it was, and where to go once we got there. Our car seat base is installed, and we’ve practiced leaving the house a few times with the car seat.
The last 3 months of pregnancy

But let’s actually talk about what the last 3 months have been like. Surreal. That’s possibly the best word I can come up with. The belly that I thought couldn’t get any bigger, got absolutely gigantic! I’m writing this at 38 weeks and 1 day, and wow, the belly got so much bigger than what it looked like when I got my beautiful maternity photos taken. I’m experiencing MAJOR Braxton Hicks daily. Apparently it’s the body preparing for the “real” thing (contractions). The dr. said I’m already 70% effaced (meaning my cervix is 70% on the way to being thin enough for baby to come), and I’m already 1 centimeter dilated. For the mamas that get to this point and can still get a workout in, I’m super jealous. I walk like a penguin, and every time I stand up I feel incredible pelvic pressure.
For a couple of weeks (around weeks 33-36) I woke up around 1:30am and couldn’t sleep until 5:30am. I was definitely feeling exhausted. Now I still wake up 2-3 times a night to use the bathroom, but thankfully, more than not, I’m able to fall back asleep. My hands and feet have gotten a little swollen the last 3 weeks (although I haven’t used my wedding ring since week 32 in fear of it not coming off my finger). I have intense lower back pain, headaches, and heartburn still. And I was told I wouldn’t be able to eat much at this point, but it has not been the case for me at all. I eat all day long. I also think I’m stress eating a lot. My cravings have been all my childhood favorite foods, so definitely nothing healthy.
I’m also living in these leggings and sweater from Nordstrom.
3rd Trimester Babymoon
We went on a babymoon when I was 34 weeks pregnant. We drove to Duluth, then Lutsen for a week. My hubby planned the whole thing, and we ended up having to have an open conversation about the fact I was just really tired, and couldn’t do all the things he had planned. We were still able to do some awesome sightseeing! We also drove all the way to the border of Canada. He booked me the most wonderful prenatal massage, and we went to the Strand Restaurant for a fancy dinner every night, which was wonderful! I definitely miss “date nights” with him because we haven’t been going out too much because of the pandemic. In true “Poly” style I got dressed up for all our meals, and tried a tiny sip of his wine every night too (don’t judge!).
I’m so thankful to be self employed because this week (week 38) I officially started my maternity leave and I’m spending a lot of my day just chilling and relaxing. Sitting upright isn’t very comfortable so being a couch potato has been the solution.
I hope you enjoyed reading Baby Strand – 3rd Trimester Recap! Click here to read the recaps of the 1st Trimester, and 2nd Trimester!
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