We are back in business and I couldn’t be happier! I’m taking this VERY seriously though, and want to make sure I’m keeping my clients, and myself, safe.
Through this whole quarantine I’ve learned so much, and was also reminded of so much. I learned that my business is a strong one, with a very strong foundation. Which means I’m not going anywhere! And I was reminded of just how much I care about my clients, and how mutual that is. You truly mean the world to me, and working with you through the years has been a pleasure, and a gift! So onward we go, together!
Here are a few things I’m doing to ensure safety first:
- We are going fully contactless. No handshakes/hugs. Trust me, as a hugger this will be hard, but it’s not a forever thing! Soon we’ll be able to truly get back to normal, and I fully believe that.
- We’ll continue doing our contacts and payments in advance, electronically.
- We’ll stay 6ft away at all times. Please talk to your kiddos ahead of time and explain this rule so they understand we can’t hug anymore, and I can’t tickle them :(. Boohoo! Since we’ll be keeping a safe distance, I will only wear a mask outside if you’d like me to. The reasons for my hesitation are that since we’ll be farther away, I want to make sure you can understand me.
- I will wear a mask for all studio sessions/in-home sessions, as well as sanitize my hands upon arrival, and departure. I know you’ll do the same :-). I’ll also sanitize all surfaces of the studio, before and after each session, and will NOT schedule back to back sessions.
- For in-home sessions, I will bring a travel size spray bottle with thieves cleaner, and clean any surfaces I might need to touch, before and after (although I don’t anticipate needing to touch anything).
- It will be required that we all follow the coughing and sneezing etiquette (Cover your mouth and nose every time you cough or sneeze. Use a disposable tissue to cover your mouth or nose if possible. If a cough or sneeze sneaks up on you and no tissue is available, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve. This prevents your hands becoming contaminated with cold or flu viruses).
- If you, anyone in your household, or myself, start feeling unwell, or feeling any symptoms related to a cold, flu, or COVID-19, the session will be rescheduled. Please do not show up to your session if you are feeling unwell.
So the heads up is… we are back in business! Our sessions might feel a little weird and awkward at first, but, our personalities are still awesome, and nothing will ever change that! And since I was still booking for June and later months, my calendar is pretty full right now, so here’s the tip to get your session booked ASAP.
Leaving you with much love this Friday, and I can’t wait to see you soon!

Ooohhhh… Did you see we blogged everyday this week? Check it out here!
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