Anyone else missing those warmer days? I used to take Winters almost completely off, but this last year was about changes, and part of those changes involve doing a TON of work in my off season. And although I’m missing the sun already, I’m pretty excited about all the new things that keep happening to me an my business!

Like hiring a Virtual Assistant, and a cleaning lady to help me out, so I can focus more on the things that I can’t outsource! Hard work pays off for sure! Just today I found out my work is getting published on another magazine, AND one of my favorite venues, The Hutton House, named me one of their recommended vendors. Seriously an honor!

Because of all these changes I feel like I can invest more time in my client experience, and making sure I’m providing an amazing CE to all the amazing humans I get to touch with my photography!

I can’t wait for Josh and Kayla’s wedding! Our engagement session was such a blast, and I feel like I’m really attracting the best kind of clients!
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