I remember when I refused to open a “My Space” account. I thought it was a waste of time. Even Facebook, my sister pretty much opened my account for me seven years ago. I remember asking her: “Is this something I should post on Facebook?” It was that bad. I soon realized Facebook was a great tool to stay connected to my family members and friends in Brazil, and not much later, I realized it was also a tool for growing my business. The moment I felt I had a grasp on Facebook Instagram entered my life. It was time to learn a whole new platform. That first year was all about searching for what filter would look better with a photo, what kind of border would make it stand out… Oh friends, it was brutal. It took some paid education for me to “get it.”
There are five things that are important to me on Instagram, especially if I’m considering whether or not to follow someone on Instagram. I thought I’d share with you since for me, it wasn’t common knowledge:
1. Your Bio/Profile:
If you’re a business, make sure you have your business name in your profile. If you search for “polymendes” you will find me, but if you search for Poly Mendes Photography you will also find me. Your profile should also give people a hint of what your Instagram is about. Mine is:
“Wedding & Family Photographer. #Girlboss. Travel, macarons and yoga. SNAPCHAT: poly-mendes”
When people follow me on Instagram they will expect to be seeing my photography, travel, sweets/macarons, health/yoga, etc.
2. Your Top 9:
Your top 9 photos are the first photos any person who lands on your Instagram will see, which means your top 9 are very important. They should draw people in, be consistent in color pallets, show things from your profile (like travel, photography, etc), and make people want to follow you. They should be interesting! Yes, that means a lot of what your post should be interesting so your top 9 is always a good set!
3. Introduce Yourself Often:
See that picture of me in the middle? People love to know more about the people they are following, so try to post a photo of yourself, and share who you are, and what you’re all about often.
4. Post at the Right Times:
I normally don’t post things when they are happening (maybe on Instagram Stories and Snap Chat), I wait until my audience is on Instagram. Research shows early in the day, or after work, around 5pm. If you want your photo to be seen by more people, those are the times to post.
5. Content:
Photos are amazing, but your written content also goes a long way. Focus on telling the story behind the photograph, as well as encourage and inspire those reading your captions!
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