I just renewed my photography permit, so I can continue to be a Landscape Arboretum Family Photographer! Because let’s face it, I absolutely adore shooting there!!! And I adore this beautiful family even more! They’ve been my clients for so many years I consider them friends! Engagement session, wedding, newborns, 1 years… I’ve shot it all for them!

I’m also always very impressed mom can keep everything running smoothly with five children! I can’t barely keep my one in check, imagine 5! But look at those beautiful faces!!! I shot all of their newborn sessions, isn’t that incredible?!

They could be sisters… And I love the outfits!
Being a Landscape Arboretum Family Photographer, and having the photo permit, allows all my clients to get in for free! Isn’t that awesome? If you’d like more information about sessions with me just contact me via the contact form on my website, or you can always email me at poly@polymendesphotography.com.

Also, all my clients get a Styling Guide to help with choosing outfits. I’m also getting more and more dresses, and baby clothes available for the studio closet. So next time you come for a session make sure you ask about all the options I have! Less work for you! See, I got you!
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