It’s time to share baby Strand: the fourth trimester! I remember reading the book The Happiest Baby on the Block with my husband when I was pregnant. The author, Dr. Karp, explains how babies are born too soon, and how during the first three months postpartum we need to think of our babies as fetuses living outside the womb. The book was a bit repetitive, but hubby and I had fun reading about the 5 S’s. Unfortunately reading a book, and living through a situation are not the same. A book will bring awareness, and education, but going through it is necessary to fully understand what was read. I mean, I can read book after book about the war, but I’ll never know what it’s really like.
When I shared My First Month Postpartum I got a lot of replies about it, and lots of encouragement that things would get easier. And indeed, a short two weeks after the one month mark something magical happened: L figured out how to latch correctly!!! The difference for both of us was night and day. The next two months were so much better I (almost) felt like a brand new woman! With better feedings also came better sleeping, and for longer periods of time at night.
When we moved to our new house we were finally reunited with one of my first baby purchases, the Snoo Bassinet. I have to say it did live up to it’s reputation, and L easily sleeps for 6-8 hours straight every night. We are down to only one night time feeding. She’s actually slept for 10 hours straight twice! Oh how that makes a difference!
It has also been amazing to see her little personality coming out. She loves to kick and play on this piano which I swear is the best $40 you’ll ever spend. And her little squeals are starting to sound more like a conversation. We read the Mayo clinic book every month to see what to look for, and she’s right on track!

How I’m doing:
These three months postpartum (my fourth trimester) have been both amazing, and very difficult for me. I get waves of anxiety, sadness, and sometimes I feel very overwhelmed. The first month and a half especially were the hardest since it was so much all at once. Figuring out how to care for a baby, while my body was still recovering, and my hormones a hot mess, and little sleep… Yikes. I think the reason people say “mom brain” is a thing is because moms don’t get the rest they need to function like they used to. But alas, I’m starting to feel better.
Favorite Baby Items:
Vista Stroller with adapter
RJ was shocked at the price of our beloved Vista V2 stroller, but I think he now understands the reason behind the price tag. The Vista is a dream! We used the bassinet so much during the first month for naps, and walks, and we have now started using the option where she can sit. She can face us, or forward, and it clips in super easily.
Nuna Car Seat
The Nuna car seat be used with our Vista stroller by buying this attachment, which makes things so much easier! It also has a “dream cape” that’s perfect for shielding her from the sun. We love using the 7AM car seat covers to keep her warm when we leave the house.
Snoo Bassinet
There are so many reasons I love the snoo… But I think one of the biggest is being able to put her right back in the bassinet after she burps, instead of having to soothe her back to sleep. I just let the bassinet do that job for me and go right back to sleep haha! I’ll be writing a blog post all about the snoo later.
Peanut Changer
Our girl has huge blowouts! I still don’t know how so much can come out of such a little thing. I love that the peanut can be cleaned every time with just a spray instead of having to be washed.
Tote Savvy Purse Insert
I kept forgetting to take her diaper bag when we left the house. Twice we had to stop at Target for diapers and wipes (and a new outfit) because of my “mom brain.” So this Tote Savvy purse insert was the perfect solution for me. Now I just leave the house with my LV purse, and the purse insert fits everything for her and for me. It’s perfect me organized.
Piano Gym
Liv LOVES this piano gym so much! She kicks and moves her arms and it’s just so cute to watch her entertain herself. I keep saying this is the best $40 anyone with a small baby will spend. Highly recommend!
I hope you enjoyed reading Baby Strand: The fourth trimester!

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