Are you looking for the perfect Mother’s Day Gift!? I’ll tell you what I asked for: a photo session! This will be my first time celebrating Mother’s Day with Liv outside my belly, and I can’t wait to have another professional photo session of us!
This sweet family hadn’t had professional photos done in a while, so it was so fun for me to deliver these beautiful images just in time for Mother’s Day! Here’s a note from mom:
“Huge shout out to Poly Mendes Photography for capturing these pictures!!! You have amazing talent – you had my boys touching each other all at one time, many different times throughout the night and it didn’t end up in a fight!! Kudos to you!!! Such a fun night!! Thank you!!!”

Proof that getting your photos done can absolutely be a fun experience! If you’re looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift, you can buy a gift card by clicking here! And don’t forget to check the blog for more beautiful Mother’s Day Sessions.

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