Sometimes your family consists of humans… and furry babes! And since you might want to bring them along to your photo session, I thought I’d give you 5 tips to make it easy breezy! So here are 5 tips for bringing your pup to your session!

1. Choose a dog friendly location
Your session could be at park you’re used to going to already, or a brand new location. Either way make sure dogs are allowed there, and check in on leash rules.

2. Bring snacks
I always tell my clients to make sure they have a full belly prior to their session, because having your photos taken when you’re hangry is NOT fun! I’m pretty sure the term “hangry” became a thing during a photo session where people were hungry and things went south really quickly (just kidding!). Anyways, both humans and pups are very food motivated, so bring snacks and treats to reward good behavior and keep everyone happy!

3. Consider bringing a dog wrangler
Bringing a dog wrangler is always helpful. Your pup will most likely not be in all the photos, so it’s nice to have someone there to take your furry babe for a walk while you get your modeling on.

4. Plan on them joining for only a short amount of time
Puppies can be distracting, so plan on lots of “puppy-free” time where you can focus on each other! If bringing a dog wrangler is not an option, you can also leave your pup in the car. Assuming it’s safe, of course!

5. Upgrade their leash!
Perhaps my biggest tip ever! Photoshopping their leash is a no go, so make sure to bring a cute leash along! Something cuter, like this one, or this one. And don’t forget to groom them :-).
Hope that helps you plan for your next session with yours truly, and that you enjoyed my 5 tips for bringing your pup to your session!
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