Sharing a beautiful light & airy Engagement Session today! It left me feeling super inspired and ready to crush the last few weddings I have before the year is over!
Mike and Amy will be tying the knot in just a few weeks. I can’t wait to be there to celebrate with them! Wedding planning this year has not been easy for anyone. Whenever one of my couples decides to go forward with their wedding I do a happy dance.

They even pushed off on having their engagement session because everything was so uncertain. At the end they both agreed they should have done it sooner, and that it was super fun! I have a feeling I’ll be seeing these two yearly from on! I always recommend yearly sessions to all my clients!

I love that we explored a new location (to me) which always makes me super excited and full of inspiration! I loved finding little nooks and backgrounds for the lovebirds! Light & Airy Engagement Session lover over here.
We started the session at Rice Park, and then went to Raspberry Island for the second outfit. I loved the St Paul skyline in the background of some of their photos.

Mike + Amy!!!! Can’t wait for the wedding day!
And a PMP update for weddings, we are almost full for 2021, so if you’re looking for a wedding photographer get in touch soon!
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