Baby Strand: 1st Trimester Recap. I figured I should post this soon because soon it will be 2nd trimester recap!!! Things are starting to feel real.
I was a bit shocked to find out the first day of my pregnancy wasn’t actually the day the baby was conceived, but the first day of my last period. So in reality, I wasn’t even pregnant when the doctors started counting the weeks.
My careful planning to have a January baby went up in flames, and the baby is due on December 26th. The reason I was planning for January is that I have weddings on December 5, 12, and 18. I will be extremely pregnant then… so I hired a fabulous team to help me out in case I can’t actually make it to those weddings. It’s all about preparation, right?
I can’t believe God’s timing in all of this, but the week I was ovulating, actually ended up being the week my husband was on furlough from his very demanding job (due to COVID). We were able to “work” on baby pretty much like we were on vacation. Absolutely no stress! After the week was over I was for sure stressed though, and waiting until I could take the pregnancy test was brutal.
Weeks 1-5
I honestly felt amazing my first 5 weeks, and thought I’d be one of those blessed unicorn souls that don’t have any morning sickness or nausea. These weeks were also quarantine weeks, so I was mostly staying in, and working on a project for my business. I moved my studio from Chaska to Minneapolis, and started dreaming up a life where I would be a mom. I felt extremely thirsty, and felt a lot of soreness in my breasts.
Weeks 6-9

All my superpowers were gone, and I felt like I was riding a huge roller coaster, going up and down, getting pushed and shoved in all directions, and feeling so sick. Instead of just having “morning sickness” I had all day sickness. I could barely get up, and also felt very tired. Brushing my teeth always led to gagging, and sometimes puking. I never lost my appetite, and felt like eating small meals every 2-3 hours helped me feel a bit better.
Weeks 10-12
Slowly but surely, I started feeling better, and my productivity levels went almost . I felt so thankful I didn’t actually need to go to an office job during this first trimester, and could really just focus on the baby.
First baby purchases: Snoo, books (Bringing Up Bebe, The Happiest Baby on the Block)

See our Pregnancy Announcement Session here!
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