Can you believe we are already in March of 2018? I always like to finish a year with a list of tangible things I would like to work on for the following year. Instead of sharing them with you in January, I thought it would be fun to share an update on how things are going. There are four items I’ll share with you today! The simpler ones :-).
1. Drink More Water.
I am HORRIBLE at drinking water. You know those little 16.9 oz bottles? That’s about all I drank in an entire day prior to this year. I’m up to 3-4 of those a day now, but drinking water just doesn’t come as naturally to me. I also don’t drink coffee, tea, or pop.
2. Work Out At Least 3 Times a Week.
Did you know before I went to college for Business I actually wanted to be a personal trainer? True story, and all my life, I have really enjoyed working out. So the problem isn’t enjoying it, it’s just making the decision to put on my workout clothes and leaving the house. I’m getting a lot better at it, but I’d like to go back to when I used to go 4-5 times a week. There’s just something so relaxing and grounding about doing that. I’m loving Barre classes at YogaFit, and the teachers there are killer!
3. Work on Self Control and Eating Habits.
If you put a plate of caramel rolls in front of me, chances are I’ll have about 8 of them. It’s also true that I ate 62 macarons in 2 days (I’ll blame this one on Farina Baking Company for making such delicious macarons!). So it’s really not a surprise to me that I have always felt like I can’t control my eating very well. However, I want to make sure I’m being better about it. I can keep eating everything, just in moderation. How is this one going? Ok. I sometimes will still go a little crazy but overall I think I’m getting better at portion control. One thing that has helped tremendously has been to stop saying “I can’t control how much I eat.” Words are so powerful. I CAN control it.
4. Smile More
I come from a different country, and although we are very friendly over there, I was robbed 4 times before moving to the US (once, with a gun to my head). Because of that I kind of go through “stranger fear” and sometimes even panic when I’m walking around. I try to put on a “hard” face and keep a very watchful eye. It’s sad that some scares seem to take much longer to heal. And then I met my fiance. You guys, my small town guy will say hello to a bird that’s singing, and is the sweetest man I have ever met. His kindness is inspiring. We go on many walks and adventures together, and he says hello and smiles to everyone that passes us by. It has rubbed off on me in the best possible way. I have found myself slowly losing that hardness and trying to believe the people around me are good people. So I’ve been smiling more, and trying to show more kindness to strangers. It feels so good!
What about you? What were you resolutions for 2018? I hope you’re still going strong, if not, get started again, the year has (almost) just begun.
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